Constellar launches process technology event

Singapore, 12th November: Singapore-based Constellar will launch the first dedicated process technology event in the Southeast Asia, Process Innovation Asia Pacific – Power by ACHEMA (PIA) will be organised with international partner DECHEMA Ausstellungs-GmbH (DECHEMA Exhibitions).

The new event will be held from 19th to 21st November 2024, at Singapore EXPO. It will be a pivotal role in driving transformation, catalysing innovation and promoting sustainable growth for a greener future across the region’s (petro-)chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and food processing industries.

The theme of the new show is “Inspiring Sustainable Growth”, focusing on three key content pillars: Industrial growth & sustainability development in Asia; Digital advancement & innovations; and Sustainable & green practices.

The conference programme will have over 50 sessions, presented by over 40 industry experts and practitioners.