Quick takes

Informa looking financially stronger

The world’s largest commercial exhibition organiser, Informa Plc, is expected to be cashflow positive by January. Its share price jumped 27% on the news that Pfizer is making progress with its COVID-19 vaccine.

Singapore and Hong Kong to launch travel bubble

The two cities have agreed to ease travel restrictions beginning on 22nd November. There will be quite a few hurdles for travellers to jump through such as COVID-19 tests, downloading a tracking app and obtaining an “Air Travel Pass.” This should be viewed as a pilot programme as initially only 200 people will be permitted to travel each direction on any given day.

U.S.-based Emerald Holdings looks to 2021

Emerald Holdings, perhaps somewhat optimistically, is looking to the first quarter of 2021 to restart some of its events. The group’s third quarter revenues were down 89% with the cancellation of 29 exhibitions.

COVID-19 cases in Malaysia spike

In the last two weeks, Malaysia has recorded over 13,000 new confirmed cases. That represents a large spike. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the country has recorded less than 44,000. MACEOS advocating for events to be allowed to continue.